Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Third Day at Kindergarten

Mommy dropped me off and she asked for a hug and a kiss, but I just asked her to get out of here. I said “just get out of here mommy!” And so mommy left and I played legos with a girl named Katie. And then Mrs. Boyd twisted a lollipop that went bad and that means “STOP CAUSE MRS. BOYD WANTS TO TALK TO US” and that’s a really important thing. And she said there was 3 more minutes and that was the 3 minute warning. And then me and Katie cleaned up our things, but guess what I saw on the ground when I finished cleaning up the stuff? I saw a princess shoe! And someone was playing Polly Pockets somewhere, I don’t know where, but someone was playing Polly Pockets somewhere and so I gave it to Mrs. Colby and Mrs. Colby put it back with the Polly Pockets. And then we sat on the rug. And then another thing happened. We read a newsletter from Mrs. Boyd. And then we circled letters on it. And I’m not telling you about that because it will go on and on and on and on and on. I circled the letter T. Mrs. Boyd had to do the cheetah signal because people were being chatterboxes, that’s why! Six of them! And then a boy named Jaden hid under the table. And then the girl named Teresa, who was a new girl, and Teresa had to go to the bathroom and she didn’t even take the pass, that’s what! And so Mrs. Colby had to stand outside. And that was very very very very funny. Then she came out and we went outside and, guess who we saw there? We saw Mr. Paulson making a speech! A speech about the flag! And we said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands and I don’t remember what goes next. And then we went back inside the classroom and Mrs. Colby gave me a piece of paper with, guess what background on it?, a strawberry background! And I colored it in my classroom and I colored my classroom, like I drew my classroom on the piece of paper and then I colored it. Only I’m not actually done with it. And then we put them in a big black box. I don’t actually know if they’re in my backpack. You were supposed to draw just the classroom and you. I drew me sittin’ in a chair, cause I was sittin’ in a chair. She said she was gonna give them to the parents at the end of the year. And that’s all. And then we went to recess, we went to the playground. I played and played and played and played and played. And then Mrs. Boyd yelled out that there were only 2 minutes left. And I said “OOOOHHHH….I’d better get to the basketball hoops cause I really really really want to play basketball!” And so I played basketball, but guess who I saw there? I saw Mr. Paulson! He was playing basketball! And also my friend named Morgan came to play with me, so we played basketball. And then Mrs. Boyd blew her whistle. And so I looked in the basketball hoop and I threw my basketball back in there, but then I saw that a jump rope was missing. And I ran to a tree and I dug a hole with my toe and looked in there for the jump rope, but I did not find it. I don’t know, but I think someone stole it! And then we went back inside and we ate snack. A boy named Jatin brought snack. He brought go-gurts and graham crackers and a new boy named Colby squirted his strawberry go-gurt on his graham cracker and I squirted my blueberry go-gurt on my graham cracker and it didn’t actually taste that good. Jatin got his show and tell out and it was a blue bear with a shirt on named Patty. And it matched Jatin’s shirt! And Patty had one leg. Plus also Patty had a orange and pink bracelet on his one foot. So I went on the rug and we talked about something that didn’t make sense and we got our water bottles. And then we went home. And Mrs. Colby walked me to the door and guess who was waiting there for me? MOMMY AND BROOKLYNN! And I hugged them. And Mrs. Colby asked if I wanted to stay with her? That was funny! I didn’t say anything. And then we got in the car and I did NOT forget my water bottle.

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