Friday, September 26, 2008

My 14th day at Kindergarten

Typed by mommy:

Mommy dropped me off at Kindergarten and I GOT TO STAY THERE! Jatin was walking in and I was walking behind him and we put our coats up and he said “Hey Brinsley, I’m over here!” And then we went and we played cars and then Mrs. Boyd twisted a lollipop that went bad. That means “Stop cause Mrs. Boyd wants to talk to us!” She said that it was time to clean up and then she played the 5 little monkeys song and everyone in the room yelled “clean up!” and then everyone cleaned up their toys. And then we sat at our tables. And I sat by Matthew and then we ate snack. I don’t know why we ate snack the first thing! We had gummy fish, like gummy fish in a wrapper. They were pink. And then we went out to recess, but first we had to go to the bathroom and I had to go and Jatin had to go. And then the girls’ line went first. And then Jatin went cause he was in the front of the line. And Maya was in the very front of the line and then we went outside and someone I didn’t know yelled “seatbelts!” And then we lined up and I was at the end of the line and I went around and I chose Jatin and then Matthew was on the end of the line next and he chose Jatin and then we went out to the playground and we then we played on the playground and then I played and played and played. And then I was running to play basketball when someone I did not know blew the whistle and everyone yelled “THE WHISTLE!” I don’t know why. And then me and Jatin ran to the yellow line and then I held out my hand and yelled “here” because your partner has to hold your hand when it’s going to the playground and back from the playground. And then we lined up on the yellow line, but someone I didn’t know had to say that someone didn’t get to go on the playground if they wouldn’t go off when the whistle blew. And then I saw Mr. Paulson walk us back into the hallway. And then we went to our rooms all by ourselves and no one even led us. And then we got and I saw Mrs. Boyd put some plates out, except she dropped one and it landed on my head. And then we sat down and I am a bumblebee. And I said “buzz.” Matthew is a bumblebee too. And Katie. And Aldous. And then Mrs. Boyd yelled “bumblebees” and then you have to go to Mrs. Boyd, and I went to Mrs. Boyd with my group. And we sang “Oh Chest-er. Have you heard about Hair-y? He just got back from the Arm-y. I hear he nose how to wear his clothes. Hip hip hurray for the arm-y.” And then we went back to our seats and she called out another bug. And then that group went up. Aronna and Hannah were in it. And then they sang “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. Head shoulders knees and toes. Knees and toes.” Those are some of the words that are in it. And then I gave them a hand and I clapped and I said “wooo!” And then Matthew clapped his hands and he said “wooo!” And then she called out another bug and that group went up. Mason and some other kids are in it. And then we sang Rock-n-roll ABCs and then when we were done we gave them a hand and I clapped my hands and I said “wooo!” then Matthew clapped his hands and he said “wooo!” And then we went and we went to the rug and we read about Mr. Monkey and then Mason got to take him home and then we went and we got our coats and then Mommy picked up THE END.

Some other stuff:

If the toys stay out, like the kids playing with them put the toys into the box, but then don’t put the box in the correct place, then the toys go to time out for one week. We should do that at home.

I got a monkey card and a certificate because I was good and I got about 16 monkey pawprints.

Today was a ketchup. I really loved it. Except for I got tired out. All done.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Kindergarten sounds like so much fun! I wish I could see your classroom and meet your friends.
