Saturday, September 13, 2008

My day of fits

I was throwing fits and throwing fits and throwing fits and throwing fits. And mommy and daddy didn't like it. And I was yelling and I was screaming and I was crying if I didn't get things that I wanted, but guess what? If I be good til seven then I get a hula hoop and I get to decorate it with tape I think. It is 6:40 right now, getting closer....still a long ways to go. And I think I'm gonna screech if I get it all the way til there. And then I would go to bed and I have my ring on and I would have to put that thing up, cause I do not want it to get lost. It's my favorite ring and it has a flower on it and the flower is blue. And Brooklynn the whole time was saying "I'm good. Right mommy? Right mommy, I'm dood." (She calls it dood.) We went to Portland and went to festival but I did not get a blue and black hula hoop that I really really wanted, so I SCREAMED for it! And we went home! We went and got a bagel and then we went back to the festival. And I was doing one foot lifted up and then running and then the other foot lifted up and then running. And I kept on doing it and doing it and doing it until then I fell and scraped myself and starting crying and daddy said if I didn't want to eat my bagel he would eat it and I said it and he said that I didn't even feel like eating it.

4 things that were the best things all day:
The first thing was the clown's parrot. It did tricks and it was funny. It shook itself and it got big fluffery feathers out. And every single person watching it laughed.
And the second thing was getting a Subway lunch on the way back and eating it.
The third thing was my bunny hopping on the ground.
The fourth thing that was my favorite was getting a Mickey Mouse book at Borders.