Friday, September 12, 2008

My fourth day at Kindergarten

Mommy dropped me off and she asked me for a hug and a kiss, but I just gave her a kiss, that’s all. So I looked around for a long long time and then I played Candyland with no one else. And then Mrs. Boyd twisted a lollipop that went bad that means “STOP CAUSE MRS. BOYD WANTS TO TALK TO US” That is a VERY important thing. She said it was time to clean up and so I cleaned up our things and guess what? I won Candyland! It took me a long time though. And I put Candyland up and we sat on the rug and she said that we were going to do something called “centers.” And she said that centers are stations of things that you do. So we started at a monkey table and here’s how you make the monkeys: we get brown strips of paper (four of them) and then you fold ‘em one way and then you fold them the other way and you then fold them another way and you fold them another way. And then you glue them onto a paper bag and then you color paper plates and you tape them on for the mouth and then you glue a face on and then you’re all done and you staple the face on with a stapler and that’s how you make them! And then you move to the playdough table and you play with the playdough and then you put the playdough up and you do an apple tree. Except I didn’t actually get to do the apple tree and you write your name in books and I didn’t actually do that either. Once we were done with that we went out to recess. And guess who I saw when I was coming back for recess? I saw Mr. Paulson, he was sittin’ by the door. And we said “hi” to Mr. Paulson. And then we played on the playground until then Mrs. Boyd blew her whistle and me and Hannah were still playing and someone had to get us down and then we went back to our classroom but guess who we saw in our classroom? Mr. Paulson! And we did the Pledge of the Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. And Mr. Paulson sat down in a chair and we got up and we did the Popcorn dance. It goes Popcorn please pop for me Popcorn please pop for me Popcorn please pop for me POP POP POPCORN It goes 5 times and then it goes tap your head and it goes rub your belly and it goes try to do both. POP POP POPCORN. And then it does spin around. Spin again. Spin one more time. Ya getting dizzy? POP POP POPCORN. All done. Popcorn please pop for me. And then we did You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands (Brinsley sings). Then we went to the library and we read some books and guess who we saw there? We saw Mr. Paulson! I read Treehouse books. It was one I didn’t know. It was a little bit scary. Something of the Sea Serpent. It was the hardback one. It was the one where they met Teddy and Kathleen. I need to get that one because that one is the last one of the 4 Merlin Missions that have Teddy and Kathleen in them. And I have all 3 of them and they are somewhere hidden upstairs in my closet. And then we went back and we talked to the Spanish teacher. I don’t even remember her name. We said Good Morning. And then we got snack. We ate 5 go-gurts per kid. Mrs. Boyd has a rule and that rule is against the go-gurts “ya get what ya get and you don’t throw a fit!” I got a pink one and 4 blue ones. I ate them all up. And then we lined up and I stand right behind Nerissa, Nerissa’s the one that hits me or kicks me or pokes my eye when I step on her heel I think. And then we went to the bathrooms. They were the huge ones and I did NOT have to go potty. And so I went on the other line, but then when the girls started getting silly, including me, we went all the way down the hall and then Mrs. Boyd said it was time to go back. So we went back to the classroom and then we read about the Monkey in his guidebook and then Espy took the monkey home and she said it had meatballs and spaghetti. He rode a skateboard, he likes to swim. When he went with Mrs. Boyd he ate Chinese food, but he did NOT like it. He wanted a banana! And I told Mrs. Boyd that I was looking forward to the weekend because daddy said that last night I could watch Mickey Mouse tomorrow morning and Mrs. Boyd said that her kids were looking forward to the weekend too because they said that they were going to go to the Gilbert House. And then it was time to go home, but one girl named Aronna lost her water bottle. And Mrs. Colby looked for it, but she COULD NOT FIND IT ANYWHERE! And so she just had to leave without it. And Mommy and Brooklynn were waiting outside for me at the door and Mrs. Colby walked me out and THE END.
Epilogue: Mr Paulson walked out too. THE END

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