Friday, October 3, 2008

80’s Day

We went to school and I played with Jatin at the trains. He poked me and he said “hi” and then I looked and Jatin was sittin there and then we played trains together and then Mrs. Boyd twisted a lollipop that went bad and that means “stop cause Mrs. Boyd wants to talk to us” And she said that there was 5 more minutes til clean up, and when the 5 minutes were done she played the 5 little monkeys song and no one said “clean up!” They didn’t! And everyone slowly cleaned up their stuff until “look at the monkeys sitting in the tree, there are 2 little monkeys staring at me” and then everyone getting their toys and putting them back in the basket real fast and everyone scrambled to their table. And then we sat at the tables and we read “the leaves” book that we colored and then we read the “just the way you are” book and then we played our time at recess, but we didn’t go to recess and we just stayed inside and played and I drew with chalk and then “look at the monkeys sitting in the tree” came on. And everyone cleaned up their stuff. And they went to their tables and we went to the library and it took me 3 minutes to find a book and then I took it out and I looked through it and I checked it out and then I went to my classroom. And I put it in my bag and then I got a monkey stamp. And then I got my water bottle and then I walked out to the hall. And then we went to the door and mommy picked me up . THE END.

Some other stuff:

Mrs. Boyd was wearing a sparkly coat. Plus also she painted her eyes blue. That was silly. Everyone said that they liked her coat. Mrs. Colby and Mrs. Boyd were wearing legwarmers. All done.

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